About Us

Our Mission: The International Soap Box Derby® is a non-profit youth education and leadership development organization whose mission is to build knowledge and character, and to create meaningful experiences through collaboration, fair and honest racing competitions, STEM curriculum, and other community-focused activities. Anderson IN soap box derby incorporates the same mission as AASBD.

Frequently Asked

How can I get started racing?

Visit our Getting Started page for more information on how to get started as a Soap Box Derby racer.
Contact: Terry Taylor via text or talk 915-240-9800 or email indyirsec@gmail.com
Joe Allred text or talk 765-621-8021 or email  joeallred@gmail.com.

Do I have to buy and build a car?

For first-time drivers, we have club cars that you can re-build to fit your driver and use it to start racing. If you enjoy it, we can help you find sponsors to get your own car.
Contact: Terry Taylor via text or talk 915-240-9800 or email indyirsec@gmail.com
Joe Allred text or talk 765-621-8021 or email  joeallred@gmail.com.

How can I donate my time or money to help this local program?

Please contact us – we can always use both to grow our program!

Contact: Terry Taylor via text or talk 915-240-9800 or email indyirsec@gmail.com
Joe Allred text or talk 765-621-8021 or email  joeallred@gmail.com.

I have questions. How do I reach out?

Send us an email – and an enthusiastic volunteer will email you or call you back and go over all your questions.
Contact: Terry Taylor via text or talk 915-240-9800 or email indyirsec@gmail.com
Joe Allred text or talk 765-621-8021 or email  joeallred@gmail.com.

Become a

Take part in the tradition of the Anderson Soap Box Derby – Get started with the program today to discover the excitement of gravity racing!